At the wee of morning
when you were snoring
They came storming
Fierce looking men shooting
You were screaming
Your under-wears missing
Police! Police! You were screaming
Mama! Papa! you kept calling
But No help coming
In the truck you were dragged
To a destination you cannot comprehend
Leaving your parent behind
With incessant fears on their mind
Yes, the whole country is wailing
The whole world advocating
BringbackourGirls# trending
Malala came visiting
For your disappearance heartbreaking
Hey sweets, here is the reality
Your leaders are politicking
Taking the issue with utmost levity
No sincerity
They busy looting
Busy impeaching
While Boko keeps bombing
Its 99 days
That your freedom has been denied
Your virginity we cannot... ..
Your release I believe it’s here...
Count your fingers endlessly and say Allau
Let your heart beat JESUS
Every day and always
For him to pave way
For He is the way
Because we have failed you
I have failed you
But God can save you
Pray as we Pray !!!!!

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